Have you heard of the 7 Baby Steps? I think Financial Advisor and TV/Radio Host Dave Ramsey is one of, if not the most renown financial coaches in the nation and he teaches these 7 Baby Steps to achieve financial independence.
The very first step is to save $1,000. Maybe this is simple for you, or maybe its a colossal undertaking. But, the ability to set aside a token amount of money like $1,000 enables you to be able to do all the other things that follow, like paying off debt (student loans, consumer credit cards, etc) faster using the “debt snowball” method, fully funding your “uh-oh” emergency fund, powering your investment fund so you can actually retire (not “working because I have to” retire). That’s why it is step #1. Where are you on the baby steps?
You can Learn More at https://www.daveramsey.com/dave-ramsey-7-baby-steps