30 Health Screenings Every Woman Over 40 Needs, According to Doctors

With stars like Debra Messing and Halle Berry looking decades younger than their actual age, 40 is definitely the new 30! Woman are no longer dreading reaching middle age and are feeling healthier than ever, thanks to the latest fitness and wellness trends. But aging comes with a lot of changes, too. It’s usually around 40 when some women start to form deeper fine lines and wrinkles. The big 4-0 also signals the importance of doing health screenings regularly. For example, at age 40, women should have their first mammogram.

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26 Easy Ways to Improve Your Health in Less Than a Minute

Got a minute? We’ve got some good news. While a lot of what we’re supposed to do to keep ourselves healthy is, frankly, time- consuming (we’re looking at you, homemade meals, a good night’s rest, and aerobic exercise!), plenty of super-quick things will boost your health as well. The ones here can be done right at home—they take just a minute (or less!) and yield big results.

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40+ Lab-Approved Solutions to Creating the Ultimate Self-Care Routine

Slow and steady wins the race, slowly but surely, haste makes waste; it’s been said so many ways, but the lesson always remains the same. Making a change for the better — whether that’s trying out a new diet, getting more steps in the day, keeping your home better organized, or working on your relationships — requires a long-term commitment. How do you get started? By taking baby steps, of course!

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These Business Are Offering Free Or Reduced-Cost Mental Health Care To The Black Community

Many across the country were able to exhale a sigh of relief as the verdict came down in the Derek Chauvin trial. The officer was found guilty of George Floyd’s murder and guilty on all three charges brought against him.

Still, the trauma remains from the racist killings of Daunte Wright and Adam Toledo as well as Breonna TaylorAhmaud Arbery, and George Floyd, and so many others. No trial verdict can restore the lives lost.

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This TikTok-Viral SPF Is Better Than Concealer

I’m always wary of an over-hyped TikTok product—especially when it comes to makeup and skincare. As an Indian woman with a medium skin tone and lots of genetic hyperpigmentation, a lot of products that work on the majority of TikTok stars don’t work or look the same on my skin type. For that reason, I was super skeptical to try the so-called “all-in-one” Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Corrector SPF.

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Cindy Crawford’s 9 Skincare Secrets For Ageless Skin At 55

Cindy Crawford is an icon. I don’t care if you are a boomer, millennial, or anything in between you know who she is, what she looks like. She is probably one of the most recognizable supermodels to exist, and has looked practically the same over the span of the 40 years that she has been in the spotlight.

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7 Skincare Secrets Elizabeth Olsen Follows For Clear Skin

When she isn’t busy acting as the Scarlet Witch in Wandavision, or starring in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Avengers movies, you’ll likely find Elizabeth Olsen tending to her skin. But, we have to warn you: If you’re looking to copy her routine, it’s going to cost you. Her go-to cream from Biologique Recherche, for example, might run you over $200. But, that doesn’t mean Elizabeth doesn’t know a good drugstore deal when she sees one (see: Neutrogena face wipes). When it comes to skincare, she’s simply into results, no matter how much it costs her.

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Every one of us has some form of inner healing to do.

Every one of us has some form of inner healing to do.
Whether it’s with ourselves, our relationships, or our bodies, we all need some type of healing.
Inner healing is the process of finding comfort and joy in your life despite outer circumstances that are difficult or painful.
Want to learn how to deal with negativity and overcome emotional traumas?
Start by reading this free report: 7 Ways Trapped Emotions Affect Your Happiness