Guest Posts Wanted! How to Contribute to our Site – A Quick Start Guide

Guest Bloggers Wanted

We are building a web-based community of coaches, counselors, and people who want to be coached and counselled or just get great advice in the areas of wellness, wealth, and beauty. We believe you cannot have one without the other!

Perhaps you are a life coach looking to find new clients. Maybe you represent a product or service in the Wellness, Wealth and Beauty industries, or something else that is relevant to our audience. You can guest post to our site to help find your audience and build your website’s traffic the natural, organic way, as a contributing writer for this website. We realize different people gravitate to different coaches for different reasons.

Guest Posts Wanted!Guest Bloggers Wanted

How to Guest Post at this site: Guest posts are welcome! We encourage you to post and link back to your website or business projects. By posting on our website, your post will be continually featured on our website and in our social media pages. We also like to feature our contributors!

Before anything, you must Join our site! Use either of the “log in”, “register” or “join” links in the navigation and sidebar menus to register.

Verify your e-mail and use that same link to Log In with your password. Then:

Complete your Member Profile. Our site has an entire social network built in! We have an entire social networking site built into our website where members can friend and follow each other and comment on each others posts.  People will find you based on your posts and comments, naturally. Make sure when they land on your profile they see your message!

What is the most common advice you find yourself giving?

Your answer to that question will make a great profile description of you and what you are all about!

Your own member profile on our site is a valuable piece of real estate that you don’t want to leave untouched! We recommend you fill in your profile, first. You will also want to include how you can be found online and offline.

To Contribute to our site, when you are ready to write for us and post an article, there are two ways you can post. You can go to the Users Submitted Posts page on the front end of the site and fill in the form. You can also log in to the back of the Wordpess site and click on Post, Add New.

All posts are subject to editor / admin approval to publish. We reserve all rights, especially to adapt any content to fit our audience. If you have any questions you can contact us through the Contact Us form on the website.

Contributor Guidelines:

Contribute often! 

  • Keep it Classy, Upscale, and Positive. No profanity in any language. We are international. Posts in other languages are okay as long as our Google Translate is working 🙂
  • Use spell / grammar check.
  • Post evergreen content – content that is not date-sensitive or will expire is preferable.
  • Include at least one image related to your post, something we can share on social media with a link back.
  • Keep it on subject. We cover wellness, wealth, and beauty. That’s a lot of ground to cover and there is a lot of opportunity to be the writer covering it for us! But kindly do not submit items outside of these subject areas.

Follow us on Social Media and like and share our posts and help us build a beautiful community of coaches, counselors, and people who want to be coached and counselled.

We hope you will contribute not just for the back link to your site but also become a frequent contributing member of our community!


10 Different Types of Magnesium and Their Uses

Magnesium is a very common mineral, but, due to poor diets, magnesium deficiency is just as common. Here is a list of ten types of magnesium you can take in case you choose to take supplements to ensure your body has enough of this rich mineral.

7 Baby Steps Steps to Financial Wellness, Financial Freedom, Debt-free living

Have you heard of the 7 Baby Steps? I think Financial Advisor and TV/Radio Host Dave Ramsey is one of, if not the most renown financial coaches in the nation and he teaches these 7 Baby Steps to achieve financial independence.

The very first step is to save $1,000. Maybe this is simple for you, or maybe its a colossal undertaking. But, the ability to set aside a token amount of money like $1,000 enables you to be able to do all the other things that follow, like paying off debt (student loans, consumer credit cards, etc) faster using the “debt snowball” method, fully funding your “uh-oh” emergency fund, powering your investment fund so you can actually retire (not “working because I have to” retire). That’s why it is step #1.  Where are you on the baby steps?

You can Learn More at

Reversing the Megaphone

The power of social media comes from reversing the megaphone and listening to one another. Let us hear from you!
Have you learned something new lately that you’d like to share on the topics of wellness, wealth or beauty?
What new ideas, books, products or services have you used to tried recently to improve in the areas of wellness, wealth building and beauty? What’s working well, for you, now?
Where could you use a little help out coaching towards a specific goal?
Where are you on your journey to wellness, wealth and / or beauty?

Lose Weight Without Changing What You Eat or Exercising, Safely and Healthily

As seen on CBS, NBC, Fox News and USA Today
Cut through all the clutter and get to the truth about weight loss:
It’s NOT WHAT you eat.
It’s NOT HOW MUCH you eat.

It’s all about which MICROBES you have living and working in your gut.
These 7 miracle microbes you can take as a supplement to balance your gut flora, improve your digestion and experience significant weight loss, improved overall health and wellness. These are the secret ingredients everyone in the weight loss industry forgot to tell you about.

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How much Bitcoin should you own? A mathematical approach:

How much cryptocurrency should you hold? Kiplingers offers a logical approach to this answer by guaging cryptocurrency’s share of gobal markets – 0.5%.