7 Baby Steps Steps to Financial Wellness, Financial Freedom, Debt-free living

Have you heard of the 7 Baby Steps? I think Financial Advisor and TV/Radio Host Dave Ramsey is one of, if not the most renown financial coaches in the nation and he teaches these 7 Baby Steps to achieve financial independence.

The very first step is to save $1,000. Maybe this is simple for you, or maybe its a colossal undertaking. But, the ability to set aside a token amount of money like $1,000 enables you to be able to do all the other things that follow, like paying off debt (student loans, consumer credit cards, etc) faster using the “debt snowball” method, fully funding your “uh-oh” emergency fund, powering your investment fund so you can actually retire (not “working because I have to” retire). That’s why it is step #1.  Where are you on the baby steps?

You can Learn More at https://www.daveramsey.com/dave-ramsey-7-baby-steps

Reversing the Megaphone

The power of social media comes from reversing the megaphone and listening to one another. Let us hear from you!
Have you learned something new lately that you’d like to share on the topics of wellness, wealth or beauty?
What new ideas, books, products or services have you used to tried recently to improve in the areas of wellness, wealth building and beauty? What’s working well, for you, now?
Where could you use a little help out coaching towards a specific goal?
Where are you on your journey to wellness, wealth and / or beauty?

How much Bitcoin should you own? A mathematical approach:

How much cryptocurrency should you hold? Kiplingers offers a logical approach to this answer by guaging cryptocurrency’s share of gobal markets – 0.5%.

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You Can’t Build Wealth If You’re Not Willing to Take Some Risk.


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Jeff Rose, Certified Financial Planner, Author and Blogger at Entrepreneur.com says:
“You can test out new things without going broke. You can buy a fractional share of any stock. You will not learning by sitting on the sidelines. You will not learn by following a hashtag on twitter. You have to put yourself out there. Start investing… There are so many things that you don’t know exist until you start going down the path. You don’t have to miss out and you don’t have to risk a ton of money if you start now, put a little amount of money and learn that way. It’s your money, its your life, only you can make it awesome.”

Jim Rohn’s 12 Pillars of Success

1. The 12 Pillars Of Success
1. Personal Development
2. Total Well-being
3. The Gift of Relationships
4. Achieve Your Goals
5. The Proper Use of Time
6. Surround Yourself With the Best People
7. Be a Life-Long Learner
8. Life is Sales
9. Income Seldom Exceeds Personal Development
10. All Communication Brings the Common Ground of Understanding
11. The World Can Always Use One More Great Leader
12. Leave a Legacy

Wellness, Wealth & Beauty

Sharing a comprehensive, holistic approach to improving quality of life. 

“Health is a state of body, Wellness is a state of being” – J. Stanford

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life” – Henry David Thoreau

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” -Kahlil Gibran


Welcome to SamanthaBinstock.com! Samantha and all of us of the website team welcome you along with us on this wellness, wealth and beauty journey!  We call it a journey because we are travelling from one state of knowledge and well-being to another. It is a process of discovery. 

Yet, no journey is complete or as fun without great company. In the same way, no website is complete or meaningful without the enjoyment of the reader – YOU!  We love to share the things we’ve learned with others, as well as share the things YOU’VE learned with others, too. The fact that, by sharing our collective discoveries and experiences, others like you and us will also enjoy them and reap the benefits, as well as the savings of time and money – that all makes the whole experience more enjoyable. This site is as much about your journey as it is ours. We seek to be influenced by you, as much as we may influence you, too. 

At SamanthaBinstock.com, we strive to create a community that fosters networking, volunteering, business development, referral marketing, and fundraising. Our goal is to support charitable causes, with a focus on wellness, wealth building, and beauty. By bringing together individuals and organizations, we aim to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.

When it comes down to products and services, we all try out lots of products and we are happy to share our experiences with them (reviews), good or bad or neutral. We also welcome third party product reviews. When we began this website the idea was to promote a single brand, but we quickly realized we did not have to accept that as a limitation. Wellness is about a lot more than any marketing brand, and about more than selling products. There must be balance in all things for a state of wellness to be achieved. It is our vision to strike that balance in the pages of this blog.   

“If your body’s not right, the rest of your day will go all wrong. Take care of yourself. ” –  V.L. Allineare

“The greatest wealth is health” – Unknown

“Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar” – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Health and wellness are constantly on all of our minds, as is building financial wellness or wealth.  After all, who doesn’t want to be healthier, more fit, and in a better state physically, emotionally, and financially?

Wellness, wealth and beauty are not three separate subjects, in fact, they are interconnected. It is difficult to truly enjoy one without the other. Wellness and beauty attract wealth. But wealth and beauty cannot be fully enjoyed without wellness. Wealth is a form of wellness in the financial sense. True beauty is not only skin deep. Outward beauty reflects the beauty inside that comes from personal development – becoming a better person.

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn

That, in turn, attracts true wealth, which we define as not only financial security, but the abundance of friends, love, the wisdom to know what to do when you’ve got it, and how to appreciate what you have, no matter what state your bank account is in. 

“The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money” – unknown

Wealth is not to feed our egos but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves. – Andrew Carnegie

“Wealth flows from energy and ideas” – William Feather

Wellness, like wealth, requires ongoing habits of investments – time, energy, money, focus – in yourself. That will pay residuals or dividends in the present as well as in the future. 

No matter where you are on your journey to personal wellness, we hope this site will help you reach the next level.

– Laban Johnson, Certified Life Coach &
Webmaster of SamanthaBinstock.com

To learn more about the site’s Owner, Samantha Binstock, click here.

About Samantha

Samantha Binstock
Samantha Binstock

About Samantha

Samantha Binstock (Lubin) is a dedicated educator and Licensed Professional Counselor Associate in Texas, supervised by Sharon Bien, LPC-S, with a deep passion for helping others. Born and raised in the Braeswood area of Houston, Texas, her commitment to wellness and education is a defining characteristic of both her life and career. Samantha holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Houston Downtown (UHD) and a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health from Grand Canyon University (GCU), specializing in children and adolescents. Additionally, she has earned a Childhood Development Associate (CDA) credential for teaching and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Education from the University of Houston Clear Lake, with an expected completion date in 2025.

With a strong desire to help children, teenagers, and their parents, Samantha is focused on providing behavioral parenting training to assist in emotional regulation for children. Her dedication to helping others extends to her professional life as a full-time preschool teacher at The Shlenker School, a private institution in the Houston area.

Samantha’s commitment to wellness is deeply personal. From an early age she has been managing Mild Cerebral Palsy (CP), which affects her right side and causes chronic muscle pain. To mitigate the effects of CP, Samantha embarked on a wellness journey nearly twenty years ago, incorporating physical exercise, nutrition, meditation, and yoga into her daily life.

With a focus on improving her nutrition, Samantha has made strides in managing her chronic pain and maintaining an overall healthier lifestyle. Her personal experiences have fueled her desire to create a community-focused website, where she can share her knowledge and support others on their own wellness, wealth, and beauty journeys.

Samantha Binstock’s dedication to personal growth, education, and helping others is a testament to her resilience and commitment to making a positive impact on the world around her.

>> Click here to read More About the SamanthaBinstock.com website >>